SAKURA COLOR PRODUCTS CORPORATION recognizes the importance of information about each of our customer’s information (name, email address, phone number, age, etc., hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”). We have devised measures to thoroughly protect that information, and our customers can rest assured that we fully comply with all relevant laws and guidelines.
In the following, we detail our Basic Policy on Personal Information, which we implement thoroughly.
Personal Information Collection and Management
The company handles your Personal Information as required for our business activities and inputs your personal information in our computers. Apart from information that is already in the public domain, we only collect information by lawful and fair means and will not obtain or use your Personal Information from any third-party without your consent.
What Purposes Can Your Personal Information Be Used For?
The company may use your personal information for the following purposes.
To inform you and provide information about our products, services, and various events and campaigns, by mail, email, or phone.
To find out how you feel about our product developments, new services, or your general customer satisfaction by carrying out questionnaires and surveys, etc. by mail, email, or phone.
To help us respond better to our customers’ inquiries, opinions, and wishes that we obtain in relation to products and services handled by the company, and other companies in our group or affiliates.
To help us handle orders and shipping of our products, and deal with billing.
To contact you about lost property or in emergency situations.
To assist us in performing other work associated with the above.
We will notify you in advance if we wish to use your personal information for any purpose other than the above, and we will not use your information for any other purpose without your consent. The company does outsource some work in order to improve the efficiency of our operations, but we only provide Personal Information to our business partners to the minimum extent necessary, and in such cases, we provide supervision to them by forming contracts to ensure that the work is handled properly and securely.
Providing Personal Information to Third Parties
The company will not provide Personal Information to any third party except in the following cases.
To provide Personal Information to a third-party after obtaining the customer’s consent.
To comply with a request or inquiry for disclosure of information from a competent governing authority or pursuant to law.
To provide information, to the minimum extent necessary, to a business partner that we have contracted to perform work.
To order to continue performing business after amalgamation merger, split, or transfer of business operations, etc.
To protect people from death or injury or to protect their property when it would be difficult to quickly obtain consent from the individual concerned.
Measures for Handling and Protection of Personal Information
In order to ensure that Personal Information is protected properly, the company strictly enforces measures for safe storage and office handling of Personal Information. We provide staff training on those measures and make sure that all staff are thoroughly aware of their importance.
We appoint a manager in charge of handling Personal Information and ensure that Personal Information is handled appropriately.
We only contract work out to business partners who are strictly selected for their ability to protect information properly, and then we exercise thorough guidance and control under a contract governing how they handle Personal Information.
Disclosure, Corrections and Deletions of Personal Information
We manage Personal Information carefully and if a customer asks us to disclose what Personal Information of we have about them, we disclose it to them after confirming their identity. If there are any errors, we promptly correct them. We also promptly delete a customer’s personal information upon request.
SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
The company uses a verification service that proves that the information transmitted between our homepage Web servers and each customer’s browser is encrypted for transmission. The application of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) means that the Personal Information a customer inputs to any of our pages beginning with “https” that handle Personal Information on our website is encrypted before transmission.
Review of Our Privacy Policy
The company strictly complies with all laws and regulations covering the handling of Personal Information and we update our practices as required. This means that we may also revise our Privacy Policy at any time without notice. Please refer to our website regularly.