Watercolor sketch with PIGMA PN and Koi Water Colors

une Arthur Ortega

Products Used :

Koi Water Colors

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une Arthur Ortega from Brazil will share us how to paint building sketch with PIGMA PN and Koi Water Colors!


Outline with PIGMA PN

Why do you create some part of the outline with red or blue instead of black?

“In some areas I like to match the outline with the color it will be painted to decrease the “contrast”, so it doesn’t have a
black outline around it, I think it matches better in red, but it was fun to test the blue too!”


Why using PIGMA PN (Plastic Nib)?

“It was my fist time using the PN, but I fell in love with it!
I think because it is more “irregular” so I can control the flow of it and its firmer on the paper when I’m drawing, it doesn’t “slide” much, it feel more similar to a pencil in a way.”


Painting with watercolor

Could you share us your painting technique?

“The tip I always use for myself is to start with the larger areas, that needs more water or paint and are easier to do.
And then keep scaling it down so you are fully focused on the drawing.”

When painting, the only thing you need to keep in mind is to have enough paint mixed so it doesn’t change color as you paint and to control the water you put into it.
For finer details I’ve to use just a little bit of paint on the tip of the brush so it doesn’t bleed out.”

Thank you Arthur for sharing your techniques and tips!



Related Products

PIGMA PN                                        Koi Water Colors



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Products Used :

Koi Water Colors

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une Arthur Ortega

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